The Garden Statesmen
a cappella chorus

The Garden Statesmen
Central Jersey's Premier Men's Acapella Chorus

2024 Princeton Chapter Honors
of the Year
Lovingly referred to as the “BOTY”, this award recognizes the chapter member who has selflessly given of his time and talent to promote the success of the Garden Statesmen above all others. The BOTY is the highest annual award of the Garden Statesmen.
Past Recipients
Jim Darnell - 2023
Alan Hardy - 2022
Alan Hardy - 2021
Bob Harris - 2019
Bob Harris - 2018
Hugh Devine - 2016
Alan Hardy - 2015
Tom Befi - 2014
Joe Ciccione - 2013
Hugh Devine - 2012
Mark Van Bruggen - 2011
Alan Hardy - 2010
John Lambert - 2009
Ray Walker - 2008
Pete Manfredo - 2007
Hugh Devine - 2006
Michael Ferrebee - 2005
Bob Thomas - 2004
Ross Trube - 2003
Gordon Harrison - 2002
Joe Ciccione - 2001
Jim Danner - 2000
Hugh Devine - 1999
Lee Gruska - 1998
Serge Rizzo - 1997
William Laurie – 1995
The Tony
Established in honor of Tony Vanella. Tony was a long-time
the tenor for the Garden Statesmen. Often, Tony was the only active Tenor in the chapter, so the chorus relied heavily on him. More often than not, Tony came through. This award, presented a la Broadway’s “Toni” Awards, honors this year’s most reliable chapter member.
Past Recipients
Nathan Petschenik - 2023
Ken Friedlander - 2022
Jim Darnell - 2021
Alan Hardy - 2019
Bob Harris - 2018
Jack Pinto - 2016
Alan Hardy - 2015
Jim Danner - 2014
Michael Ferrebee - 2013
Jim Darnell - 2012
Alan Hardy - 2011
Gordon Harrison - 2011
Edward Ringel - 2010
Chuck Denk - 2009
Alan Hardy - 2008
Jim Darnell - 2007
Bruce Keller - 2006
Arthur Miller - 2005
Jim Darnell - 2004
Gordon Harrison - 2003
Ed Kerr - 2002
Bud Linder - 2001
Ed Kerr - 2000
William Laurie - 1999
Gordon Harrison - 1998
Ed Kerr - 1997
William Laurie - 1996
Ed Kerr - 1995
The Gordy
Established in honor of Gordon Harrison. Among his many
contributions to the chapter, Gordon was renowned throughout the barbershop community for having one of the most expressive performance faces in the hobby. This award is in memory of Gordon, the
performer, and recognizes the chapter’s most improved performer.
Past Recipients
Dick Beck - 2023
Nathan Petschenik - 2022
Dick Nurse - 2021
Jim Darnell - 2019
Kevin O'Brien - 2018
Dennis McCook - 2016
Arthur Lehrhaupt - 2015
Dan Martin - 2014
Andrew Gensey - 2013
Gordon Harrison - 2012
The Meagher
Established in honor of William “Bill” Meagher. Bill would be the first to agree he would never be recognized as the greatest
baritone in the history of the Garden Statesmen, but few worked at the craft harder. Bill brought a friendly smile and wonderful sense of humor to every rehearsal and performance. Bill devote himself to the success of the ensemble through his talents which included writing many Garden Statesmen shows. This award recognizes the most improved singer in the chorus.
Past Recipients
Kevin Hacker - 2023
Pete Manfredo - 2022
Bob Harris 2021
Bob Harris - 2019
Nathan Petschenik - 2018
Kevin Hacker - 2016
Arthur Lehrhaupt - 2015
Arthur Lehrhaupt - 2014
Pete Manfredo - 2012
Kevin Hacker - 2011
Avi Paradise - 2010
Clayton Echan - 2008
John Hagaman - 2007
Mark Van Bruggen - 2006
Victor Iturbides - 2005
Mike Ferrebee - 2004
Jim Darnell - 2003
Josh Sanchez - 2002
Edward Keenan - 2001
Joe Ciccione - 2000
Leon Gruska - 1999
Jim Darnell - 1997

Garden Statesmen Hall of Fame
Established in 2022 in honor of Hugh Devine’s 50 years of service to the Garden Statesmen, the Hall of Fame recognizes chapter members who, over a significant period of time, have made extraordinary contributions to the success of the Garden Statesmen. It is the Garden Statesmen’s highest honor.
Class of 2024
Mark Van Bruggen: One cannot discuss The Garden Statesmen without acknowledging Mark’s contributions and leadership. In 1983, Mark joined the chapter as a Junior at Ewing H.S. and again in 1988 after returning from college. Mark quickly became a pivotal member of the chorus. Under five directors, Mark has sung bass, lead & baritone. He has also sung in six-chapter quartets. In addition to being Assistant Director for many years, Mark has been “THE MC” and stand up comic for virtually every GS show and performance. Most significantly, In 2021 when the chorus found itself without a director, Mark stepped up with professionalism, dedication and genuine friendship, accepting no remuneration. Most recently, as a member of “PayDay!” Mark had the opportunity to sing at the La Scala Opera House in Milan Italy; after which the Italian consulate respectfully requested the quartet never return.
Class of 2023​​
Gordon Harrison (Posthumous): Gordon Harrison was Treasurer of the Garden Statesmen for over 25 years. A solid Baritone (and Baritone Section Leader), Gordon was often complimented for his commitment to performance with exceptional story telling ability and facial expressions. As a Faculty Advisor/Manager of several Princeton University Eating Clubs, Gordon arranged several chapter installation dinners on campus. Over the years, Gordon. received multiple Chapter Awards and BOTY’s. Upon his death, Gordon also left a substantial bequest to the Garden Statesmen.
Kutch Mayers (Posthumous): Kutch Mayers was a Charter member and Chapter Historian until age prevented him from being active. Kutch held many officer positions including, but not limited to Chapter President, Marketing VP, Newsletter (Tiger Town Tags) Editor. Kutch wrote the history of the Garden Statesmen (first 25 years) and his contributions to barbershop harmony extended beyond the Garden Statesmen. Kutch Mayers is the namesake of the Atlantic Division “Quartet Champion” Award.
Ray Walker (Posthumous): Ray was a resonant Bass singer; longtime chapter member; and chapter officer. Ray performed in several registered and “pick-up” chapter quartets. Ray served many years as the chapter publicity chair; newsletter editor; and show chair. Ray also co-wrote several Garden Statesmen Annual shows. Additional contributions include, but were not limited to, coordinating learning tracks for new music and volunteering for the District’s Festival of Harmony – a youth outreach initiative.
Joe Ciccione – A reliable/active member of the Garden Statesmen. for over 20 years, Joe has served the chapter in countless ways. As. the Chapter Treasurer for the past eight years, Joe has brought order and stability to the chapter’s finances. Joe is more than just a reliable bass and performer in “PayDay!”; he has contributed as a strong fund-raiser for chapter activities and lead efforts in set design and construction for annual shows and performances.
Ritchie Lavene – As the Director of the Garden Statesmen from 2003 to 2013, Ritchie Lavene took the singing level and membership of the Garden Statesmen to new heights (including. the District Contest Stage every year). At a time when the chapter’s active membership was struggling, Ritchie exponentially. increased the size of the chorus and made the Garden Statesmen a more entertaining and polished performance ensemble.
Mickey Levitan – Mickey was an active member of the Garden Statesmen for over 25 years. As a reliable Baritone, Mickey served in several chapter officer positions including multiple terms as the Chapter President. Mickey received multiple Chapter “Barbershopper of the Year” awards and was instrumental in marketing the chorus for performances throughout the community. Mickey served multiple times as the Annual Show Chair and possesses several “men of note” awards.
John Yates – The only remaining Charter Member of the Garden Statesmen, John has maintained his membership with the Garden Statesmen for 54 years. John was the first Assistant Director of the Chapter and became Director of the Garden Statesmen from 1979 to 1983. In his active days with the chapter, John served in many roles including those of Section Leader, Singing Coach and Song Arranger. To this day, the chapter seeks and appreciates John’s wise counsel and advice.

Competition Awards
MAD Division Champions* (2015)
*with The Big Apple Chorus
Most Improved Chorus (2013)
Most Improved Chorus (2007)
Most Improved Chorus (1997)
Most Improved Chorus (1989)
Most Improved Chorus (1986)

Garden Statesmen Presidents

Dick Nurse
(2023 - Present)
Hugh Devine (2021 - 2022)
Thomas M. Befi (2016 - 2020)
James C. Danner (2011 - 2015)
Art Miller (2008 - 2010)
Edward Ringel (2007)
Edmund Keller (2006)
Marty Lavene (2003 – 2005)
William Laurie (2001 – 2002)
Mickey Levitan (1999 – 2000)
Art Miller (1996-1998)
Mickey Levitan (1994 – 1995)
Mark Van Bruggen (1993)
James C. Danner (1991 – 1992)
Richard Sudlow (1990)
Dave Dombach (1988 – 1989)
William Meagher (1987)
Hugh Devine (1985-1986)
Joe Lazar (1983 – 1984)
Henry Meyer (1982)
Mickey Levitan (1981)
Jim Dailey (1980)
Dan Van Winkle (1979)
Ed Mullowney (1977 – 1978)
Ray Hancock (1976)
Gil Kayser (1975)
Kutch Mayers (1974)
Dave Thompson (1973)
Norman Jackson (1972)
John Yates (1971)
Maurice Guadagno (1970)

Garden Statesmen Directors

Mark Van Bruggen
(2021 – Present)
COVID (2020)
Jack Pinto (2010 – 2019)
Ritchie Lavene (1999 – 2010)
Adam Sells (1995 – 1998)
John Lehman (1988 – 1994)
Bob Dickson (1983 – 1987)
Mike Johnston (1982)
John Yates (1974 – 1981)
Ed Ward (1969 – 1973)